[libhid-discuss] Re: HELP !! Gettting data from usb device using libhid

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Thu Sep 14 13:25:08 UTC 2006

On Sep 14, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Himanshu Bafna wrote:

> Obviously libhid/libusb is easiest/best of all. But in concerns of  
> speed and native OS API's how would a approach of HID driver  
> specific for our coin machine would be.

I do not think that a coin dispenser would run into any speed  
limitations using user-space drivers. This is mostly a concern for  
streaming audio and video.

> I have tried very hard using ioctl() api's of HID driver on 2.4/2.6  
> but it simply failed for me.Also I came to know HID driver on linux  
> is not well written for "reports".

It is not well-suited for nested reports, but the structure of your  
device's descriptors is fairly simple (as compared to a HID PDC UPS,  
for instance).

There is additional support in 2.6 (and later versions of 2.4) for  
collections of reports, but this was not in the kernel when the  
libhid project was started.

Charles Lepple
clepple at ghz.cc

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