[libhid-discuss] hid_force_open() error

Mark S. Townsley mstownsley at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 22:01:51 UTC 2006


In using hid_force_open(), I received the follow errors:

  TRACE: hid_prepare_hid_descriptor(): initialising the HID descriptor for
USB device 002/013[0]...
  TRACE: hid_prepare_hid_descriptor(): retrieving HID descriptor for USB
device 002/013[0]...
WARNING: hid_prepare_hid_descriptor(): failed to get HID descriptor for USB
device 002/013[0]
  TRACE: hid_close(): closing USB device 002/013[0]...
  TRACE: hid_close(): closing handle of USB device 002/013[0]...
 NOTICE: hid_close(): successfully closed USB device 002/013[0].
  TRACE: hid_reset_parser(): resetting the HID parser for USB device
  TRACE: hid_close(): freeing memory allocated for HID parser...
  TRACE: hid_close(): resetting HIDInterface...
hid_force_open failed with return code 13

I am new.  Can someone explain what this means?


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