[libhid-discuss] cross-platform capabilities?

Xiaofan Chen xiaofanc at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 05:55:35 UTC 2007

On 4/13/07, Peter Stuge <stuge-libhid at cdy.org> wrote:
> I don't know if you guys are following the verbose discussion on the
> libusb list.. I've touched on this over there too.
> Which way do you prefer? Having libusb use the native HID API, or
> have a libhidio? libusb could at best use get/set report for
> simulating interrupt transfers, but on the other hand libhidio would
> not provide more data IO than get/set report either..
> I can't decide what I would like best, both ways have some appeal.

I just want to speak with a non-programmer's point of view. I think
without a proper method to detach the kernel HID driver across
all the platform in libusb/openusb, it is quite difficult to use libusb
as the base to achieve cross-platform functionality for HID

And libusb is dealing with more than HID device even though
HID is one of the main class of device where libusb is useful.
Therefore it may take a long time for the libusb developers
to add platform specific native HID API interface.

Therefore we still need libhid and it would be nice to have libhid
to give the user an option to use libusb or the native HID driver.
I do understand that this will need quite some work to implement
this feature.


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