[libhid-discuss] Find the path...

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Sat Dec 8 20:18:06 UTC 2007

On Dec 8, 2007, at 8:47 AM, Matthias Lohr wrote:

> I want to read and write from/to a self-build interface (which  
> works under
> windows without problems).

Right, but there are several ways to read and write to HID devices in  

Since you have interrupt endpoints, I suspect that Windows was  
reading and writing to the interrupt endpoints instead of performing  
transfers over the control endpoints. (libhid was designed for  
accessing a densely populated tree of variables, much like SNMP,  
rather than handing the RS-232-like emulation over HID that so many  
Windows-based USB devices tend to use.)

Check out the hid_interrupt_write() and hid_interrupt_read()  
functions. They are thin wrappers around the libusb interrupt  
transfer functions.

- Charles

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