[libhid-discuss] Connecting to a HID device (VOIP 321) with libhid

Cristian S. Rocha crocha at dc.uba.ar
Fri Dec 28 13:54:34 UTC 2007


I'm trying to write a driver to connect the PHILIPS VOIP 321 phone
to the Ekiga Soft Phone. It works in Windows using an Skype extension.

It have an Audio Interface and an HID Interface. The HID Interface is
able to send the Skype contacts to the phone and enable the audio
interface. I checked it with USB Snoopy.

I wrote a short code in Python (using python-hid) to connect to the
phone, but it return the following warning when it call

WARNING: hid_prepare_report_descriptor(): HID report descriptor for USB
device 002/006[0] is too short; expected: 1793 bytes; got: 45 bytes.

I feel this warning it's not important, but it cant let me open the
device. Then I commented this check in the
"hid_prepare_report_descriptor" function in the libhid source. It
continue running but I had more errors.

Before open the device my code call "hid_set_idle(hid, 0, 0x0)" as you
describe in one thread of the list. But it return the following error:

WARNING: hid_set_idle(): failed to Set_Idle for USB device
002/006[0]:error sending control message: Connection timed out.

I feel it cant connect to the device or I forget other important init
function. Have you any idea?

Other question. I have the USB Snoopy file with complete connection
protocol of the device. Exists any program to browse these information
in linux?


  Lic. Cristian S. Rocha

| Grupo de Modelado Molecular (http://gmm.qi.fcen.uba.ar/)
|  Departamento de Computación
|  Departamento de Química Inorgánica y Física Química 
|   Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
|    Universidad de Buenos Aires.
| Pabellón I - Ciudad Universitaria
| (C1428EGA) - Buenos Aires - Argentina 
| Tel./Fax:+54-11-4576-3359 -
| Conmutador: +54-11-4576-3390 al 96, int. 701/702

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