[libhid-discuss] equivalent win32 & libhid

Andre Führing fayring at web.de
Tue Feb 13 12:03:29 CET 2007

Hi together, I actually have a project to evaluate the usage of generic hid
under a debian (2.6-kernel) system.


The task is to use or build (if necessary) a generic hid-interface in Linux
which is similar (functional the same) to the ms-windows hid interface
because we want to use several USB-Devices(Dictation-devices) over an own
citrix ICA channel.


Server: MS-Windows Server2003/2000

Client: MS-Windows and Linux


So the functional interface under Linux of hid has to be the same as under


Is there already such interface or do somebody know where I can find
documentations about this issue?



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