[libhid-discuss] (hackish) Perl libhid binding

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 10:42:32 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm not on the list, but I just wanted to drop you a note to say thanks 
for libhid and I've got a very specific-purposed Perl implementation 
underway (should be headed for CPAN soon.)

The problem I wanted to solve was simply accessing a magstripe reader 
without the dvorak keymap garbling it.  Having an explicit device 
handle rather than STDIN is a big plus for daemon usage too.  I could 
find no other way to access a specific "keyboard device" while keeping 
it from being connected to the linux console.

So, this is basically a "pseudo-keyboard driver".  Should work for most 
of the alphanumeric and numpad keys, plus shifted versions.


Feedback is welcome, please cc.

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

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