[libhid-discuss] Internal definition of struct usb_dev_handle breaks portability

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Fri Mar 30 02:56:30 UTC 2007

On Mar 29, 2007, at 8:33 PM, Albert Lee wrote:

> I noticed problems building libhid on Solaris because libhid makes  
> assumptions about struct usb_dev_handle, which it keeps internal  
> copies of. This is fairly bad.  Is there a reason not to use  
> usb_device() to get the device from the handle instead of poking at  
> the struct contents?

I don't know of any reasons offhand, but then again, I think Martin  
or Arnaud wrote that code (not to pass the buck - it's just that none  
of us were really doing all that much with Solaris).

Can you post some of the errors?

Charles Lepple

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