[libhid-discuss] static linking required?

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Tue Sep 4 06:58:18 UTC 2007

On Sep 1, 2007, at 12:36 PM, fdsfdsfs sdfsf wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just compiled libhid on slax and it worked fine.
> After I compiled the test program test_libhid.c I have
> stored the binary in a constant directory (since slax
> is live-cd), then rebooted and tried to run the test, but
> then it did not work, complaining about some missing
> .o and .so files. I remembered from my previous linux
> experience that this is a dynamic libraray, and I am
> assuming I need to to a static link to avoid this
> problem. Can someone help me with this as I am not
> familiar with the Makefile and what changes I need
> to make.

I haven't tried static linking.

You could reconfigure with "--prefix=/somewhere/in/constant/ 
directory" and then run "make install".

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