[libhid-discuss] static linking required?

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Wed Sep 5 01:47:05 UTC 2007

On Sep 4, 2007, at 6:53 PM, fdsfdsfs sdfsf wrote:

> My problem is that I think it would be a little much
> to expect my users to install the entire development suite,
> not only libhid but also gcc etc, then expect them to know to
> Configure libhid and Make libhid. It's fine for me, I am
> a developer, but most people expect to just get something that
> is ready

The suggestion with --prefix was meant to be done once on a  
developer's machine, and then you would get a .so that doesn't depend  
on the build directory. You might want to give it a try.

> ...and since Slax doesn't carry libhid I assume 99% of distros
> don't have it.

Since the library is still a little rough around the edges, I'm not  
going to force it into any distributions - but we do have a RPM .spec  
file, and it is in Debian and Ubuntu.

> Can I not just add the .so files to my prog? Well,
> I better be trying  it rather than asking I suppose...


Charles Lepple

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