[libhid-discuss] Parsing hid_dump_tree()

comicinker comicinker at gmx.de
Tue Apr 22 00:21:45 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, den 28.03.2008, 21:01 -0400 schrieb Charles Lepple:
> > AND: How can I get the RECV_PACKET_LEN for this address
> automatically?
> > Or is it always the same length for each address (6)? The  
> > test_libhid.c
> > doesn't tell where this value is detected.
> It is in the interface descriptor.

I'm still looking for this entry in the interface descriptor. Can
somebody give me a hint where it is hidden? Is it really HIDData.Size?

Thanks in advance


my public key is on

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