[libhid-discuss] Issues trying to work with USB HID Swipe Reader

George Marshall echosx at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 20:50:08 UTC 2008

I've spent the past 2 days attempting to get some form of communication
going with my Magtek Mini swipe reader. I've skimmed over the entire mailing
list archives to see if I could find some answers as well as dozen of
articles on the internet.

Out of all the articles that relate to what I'm attempting to do would have
to be "Development of a User-Space Application for an HID Device, Using
libhid <http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8145>" over at Linux Journal.
The only real difference is that he is using a bill validator.

So now let me introduce the details...

USB HID Swipe Reader, Technical Reference

Here is my Python script that I've been hacking around with to at least get
something out of it. Which has seemed to have been unsuccessful with just
about everything I tried, the only exception being interrupt_read which does
at least clear out the buffer of the swipe reader after a card has been
swiped. Sorry if its really hackish I've been frustrated and decided to take
the brute force route.

swipe_reader.py <http://privatepaste.com/7805xSQbGi>
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import struct

#~ from libhid import *
from libhid.hidwrap import *

card_encode = {0: 'ISO/ABA', 1: 'AAMVA', 2: 'CADL', 3: 'Blank', 4: 'Other',
5: 'Undetermined', 6: 'None'}

def main():

    hid = Interface(vendor_id=0x0801, product_id=0x0002)
    #~ hid.write_identification(sys.stdout)
    #~ hid.dump_tree(sys.stdout)

    for item1 in xrange(0x00, 0xff):
        for item2 in xrange(0x00, 0xff):
                hid.set_output_report([0xff000000 + item1, 0xff000000 +
item2], '\x01\x02\x10\x00\x02')
                print item1, item2
    #~ hid.set_output_report([0xff000001, 0xff000020],
    #~ hid.interrupt_read(0xff000001, 5)

    #~ hid.get_input_report([0xff000001, 0xff000032], 512)
    #~ hid.get_feature_report([0xff000001, 0xff000032], 512)
    #~ hid.set_feature_report([0xff000001, 0xff000001], '\x02')
    #~ hid.interrupt_read(0xff000001, 512)
    #~ for item in xrange(256):
        #~ for item2 in xrange(256):
            #~ try:
                #~ hid.set_output_report([item, item2], chr(0x02))
                #~ print '**************', item, item2

                #~ hid.get_feature_report([item], 512)
                #~ print '**************', item, item2
            #~ except:
                #~ pass


if __name__ == '__main__':


Here are a lsusb -vvv <http://privatepaste.com/280Qc0PbZT> and
dump_tree<http://privatepaste.com/f61ycUKlN6> dumps
of the device

lsusb -vvv <http://privatepaste.com/280Qc0PbZT>
Bus 008 Device 006: ID 0801:0002 Mag-Tek
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               1.10
  bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
  bDeviceSubClass         0
  bDeviceProtocol         0
  bMaxPacketSize0         8
  idVendor           0x0801 Mag-Tek
  idProduct          0x0002
  bcdDevice            1.00
  iManufacturer           1 Mag-Tek
  iProduct                2 USB Swipe Reader
  iSerial                 0
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength           34
    bNumInterfaces          1
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          0
    bmAttributes         0x80
      (Bus Powered)
    MaxPower              100mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Devices
      bInterfaceSubClass      0 No Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      0 None
      iInterface              0
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.00
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength      61
          Report Descriptor: (length is 61)
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x00 0xff ] 65280
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0xff 0x00 ] 255
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x20 ] 32
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x21 ] 33
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x22 ] 34
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x28 ] 40
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x29 ] 41
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x2a ] 42
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x38 ] 56
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x07 ] 7
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x30 ] 48
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x6e ] 110
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 0x01 ] 258
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile
Buffered Bytes
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x31 ] 49
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x6e ] 110
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 0x01 ] 258
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile
Buffered Bytes
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x32 ] 50
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x6e ] 110
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 0x01 ] 258
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile
Buffered Bytes
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x20 ] 32
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x18 ] 24
            Item(Main  ): Feature, data= [ 0x02 0x01 ] 258
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile
Buffered Bytes
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0008  1x 8 bytes
        bInterval              10
Device Status:     0x0000
  (Bus Powered)


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