[libhid-discuss] libhid and wxwidgets windows xp

Jérôme Dumas jdumas at waveidea.com
Mon Jan 21 14:01:48 UTC 2008

Thanks Charles, I'll check your links asap

Charles Lepple a écrit :
> On Jan 21, 2008, at 4:16 AM, Jérôme Dumas wrote:
>> Dear All
>> I'm searching for a USB/HID C API to be used with my application and a
>> custom USB device, I'm currently developing with wxwidgets cross
>> platform C++.
>> Just discovered libhid, and was wondering :
>> - if this could be used to communicate with a USB HID custom device (not
>> a mouse, not a keyboard)
> libhid was originally developed to communicate with PDC HID devices, 
> which have nested collections and other features that did not play 
> well with the original Linux kernel HID API.
>> - if libhid can be easily integrated into a wxwidget project under
>> windows xp
>> - if some information for compiling the library with wxwidgets are
>> available somewhere
> It should be possible. I don't know much about the wx build process, 
> but you would need to install libusb-win32 for libhid on Windows:
> http://libusb-win32.sourceforge.net/
>> If yes, where can I find an example source code which connects to the
>> HID device (from its vid/pid) as well as some example to read and write
>> to the device ?
> test/test_libhid.c in the libhid source code:
> http://boxster.ghz.cc/projects/libhid/browser/trunk/test/test_libhid.c

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