[libhid-discuss] Help on libhid - Accelerometer

domenico at terminus.it domenico at terminus.it
Sun Mar 9 22:09:26 UTC 2008

I am a student doing a master in opensource software. I am
doing an augmented reality application running (at the
moment) on mac os x, but I'm trying to be as platform
independent as I can, so I chose libhid to talk with two
sensors: an accelerometer and a digital compass, both of
them with usb inerface.
Libhid correctly finds the accelerometer, the first in
development, but I have problems to talk to it.
I read the thread 'Questions about getting data from usb
device using libhid' and the article
'http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/8145' but I still get:
WARNING: hid_find_object(): can't find requested item
0xff000001.0x000a0042 of USB device
Domenico Guarino

Attached are my settings, taken from testlibusb output and
code with its output.

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