[libhid-discuss] Help on libhid - Accelerometer

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Mon Mar 10 12:33:13 UTC 2008

On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:46 AM, domenico at terminus.it wrote:

>   TRACE: hid_format_path(): formatting device path...
> WARNING: hid_find_object(): can't find requested item
> 0xff000001.0x00010046.0x000a0001 of USB device
> 002/002-1b67-000a-00-00[0].
>   TRACE: hid_set_output_report(): sending report ID 0x00
> (length: 6) to USB device 002/002-1b67-000a-00-00[0]...

Something doesn't look right here, and I don't have time to fully  
investigate right now.

Basically, it should not be sending a report ID if there are no  
report IDs defined in the HID report descriptor (note that it says  
"length: 6" but you passed in an array of 5 bytes).

For the hid_interrupt_read error, you may need to set the USB_DEBUG  
environment variable to something non-zero.

Charles Lepple

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