[libhid-discuss] Windows support?

Albert Lee trisk+alioth at acm.jhu.edu
Thu Mar 27 11:52:48 UTC 2008

There's more than one libusb implementation; libhid also works on
Solaris, which has its own libusb, for example.

If you see the libusb home page, it says "Supported operating systems:
Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, MacOS X (and Windows through
the libusb-win32 project)."

The only OS specific code that I know of in libhid is the bit that
requests an existing driver to detach, and afaik all implementations use
the same libhid-based code right now which is portable.


On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 07:33 -0400, Adrian Parker wrote:
> Hello all,
> I read in the libhid docs, "aims to support all operating system supported
> by libusb: Linux, BSD, OS X, and Windows".
> This seems to say that libusb supports Windows.  But libusb doesn't seem to
> support Windows (http://libusb.sourceforge.net/doc/intro-support.html).
> I note that neither libusb or libhid includes the text "windows.h" anywhere
> in their sources, so I suspect this is further indication that neither
> libhid or libusb supports Windows?

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