[libhid-discuss] Broken pipe yet again

alfredo alvarez zeus2003 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 28 02:13:30 UTC 2008

So i'm again getting the broken pipe message this time is actually the device for my project. I managed to read the data from a normal logitech mouse. My device also works like a mouse. Thanks for the earlier help if we manage to make the entire project work ill toss a link to our wiki so you can see.

lsusb Output:

Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               2.00
  bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
  bDeviceSubClass         0 
  bDeviceProtocol         0 
  bMaxPacketSize0         8
  idVendor           0x04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc.
  idProduct          0x000f 
  bcdDevice            0.01
  iManufacturer           1 Microchip Technology Inc.
  iProduct                2 Mouse To a Circle Demo
  iSerial                 0 
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength           34
    bNumInterfaces          1
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          0 
    bmAttributes         0xa0
      (Bus Powered)
      Remote Wakeup
    MaxPower              100mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Devices
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Boot Interface Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      2 Mouse
      iInterface              0 
        HID Device Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType        33
          bcdHID               1.01
          bCountryCode            0 Not supported
          bNumDescriptors         1
          bDescriptorType        34 Report
          wDescriptorLength      50
          Report Descriptor: (length is 50)
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Collection, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x09 ] 9
            Item(Local ): Usage Minimum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Button 1 (Primary)
            Item(Local ): Usage Maximum, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
                            Button 3 (Tertiary)
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x00 ] 0
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x03 ] 3
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
                            Data Variable Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x05 ] 5
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Constant Array Absolute No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Global): Usage Page, data= [ 0x01 ] 1
                            Generic Desktop Controls
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x30 ] 48
            Item(Local ): Usage, data= [ 0x31 ] 49
            Item(Global): Logical Minimum, data= [ 0x81 ] 129
            Item(Global): Logical Maximum, data= [ 0x7f ] 127
            Item(Global): Report Size, data= [ 0x08 ] 8
            Item(Global): Report Count, data= [ 0x02 ] 2
            Item(Main  ): Input, data= [ 0x06 ] 6
                            Data Variable Relative No_Wrap Linear
                            Preferred_State No_Null_Position Non_Volatile Bitfield
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
            Item(Main  ): End Collection, data=none
      Endpoint Descriptor:
        bLength                 7
        bDescriptorType         5
        bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
        bmAttributes            3
          Transfer Type            Interrupt
          Synch Type               None
          Usage Type               Data
        wMaxPacketSize     0x0003  1x 3 bytes
        bInterval              10
Device Status:     0x0001
  Self Powered

    unsigned char packet[RECV_PACKET_LEN];
int pathlen = 3;
 /*! \brief this is the number of bytes in the report */
 /*! \brief this is the actual path */
 int PATH_OUT[PATHLEN] = { 0x00010002, 0x00010001, 0x00010031 };
    int i = 0; 
    for(i = 0; i <1; i++)
        /**This line is for debugging purposes  value 1 is for movement in x and 2 for movement in Y*/
        printf("Movement in x: %d   Movement in y: %d    " , packet[1] , packet[2]);
void getPackets(char* const packet)
    ret = hid_get_input_report(hid, PATH_OUT, pathlen, packet, RECV_PACKET_LEN);
    if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "hid_get_input_report failed with return code %d\n", ret);

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