[libhid-discuss] setting output problems

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at eds.org
Sat May 3 13:05:48 UTC 2008

So I've been banging away at getting output working, but no luck yet,  
so I'll post more info.  I have input working fine with libhid, plus  
using code based on HID Utilities, I can output to this device.  The  
board I am using is a PIC microcontroller with a custom firmware. I  
am just trying to light an LED (0x00010005.0x00010036).   I've tried  
both hid_set_output_report() and hid_interrupt_write(). Neither have  
worked so far: hid_set_output_report() says success, but doesn't  
work, and hid_interrupt_write() gives me an error:

Here's hid_set_output_report():

   TRACE: hid_set_output_report(): looking up report ID...
   TRACE: hid_prepare_parse_path(): preparing search path of depth 2  
for parse tree of USB device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]...
   TRACE: hid_prepare_parse_path(): search path prepared for parse  
tree of USB device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0].
  NOTICE: hid_find_object(): found requested item.
   TRACE: hid_set_output_report(): sending report ID 0x00 (length: 2)  
to USB device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]...
usb_control_msg: 33 9 512 0 0xbffff140 2 10000
  NOTICE: hid_set_output_report(): successfully sent report to USB  
device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0].
wrote 0 0

Here's the error I get for hid_interrupt_write():

[usbhid] write failed with return code 21: HID_RET_FAIL_GET_REPORT
wrote 1 1
   TRACE: hid_interrupt_write(): writing interrupt report to device  
004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0] ...
libusb/darwin.c ep_to_pipeRef: Converting ep address to pipeRef.
libusb/darwin.c ep_to_pipeRef: No pipeRef found with endpoint address  
USB error: libusb/darwin.c usb_bulk_transfer: Invalid pipe reference
USB error: usb_bulk_write: An error occured during write (see  
messages above)
WARNING: hid_interrupt_write(): failed to perform interrupt write to  
device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]: usb_bulk_write: An error occured  
during write (see messages above)

Here's the info from the newest test_libhid:

  NOTICE: hid_prepare_parser(): successfully set up the HID parser  
for USB device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0].
  NOTICE: hid_force_open(): successfully opened USB device  
device identification of HIDInterface 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]:
   dev_handle:    0x003028a0
   device:        0x01808a00
   location:      004/003-0925-1299-00-00
   manufacturer:  Overtone
   product:       CUI IO v1.0
   TRACE: hid_reset_parser(): resetting the HID parser for USB device  
   TRACE: hid_dump_tree(): iterating the parse tree for USB device  
parse tree of HIDInterface 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]:
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010030; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010031; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010032; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010033; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010034; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010035; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010036; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010037; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010040; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010041; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010042; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010043; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010044; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010045; type: 0x80
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010030; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010031; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010032; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010033; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010034; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010035; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010036; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010037; type: 0x90
   path: 0x00010005.0x00010005; type: 0xb0
   path: 0x00010005.0x00000000; type: 0xb0
   TRACE: hid_reset_parser(): resetting the HID parser for USB device  
   TRACE: hid_close(): closing USB device 004/003-0925-1299-00-00[0]...

Here's the code I am using to try to write (I'm now using  

	int path[] = {0x00010005, 0x00010036};
	unsigned int const depth = 2;  // number of 32bit chunks in the path
	unsigned char const SEND_PACKET_LEN = 2; // number of bytes in packet
	char PACKET[SEND_PACKET_LEN]; // the data to write
     unsigned int const timeout = 1000;
     int i;

     for(i=0; i<10; ++i) {
//        ret = hid_set_output_report(hid, path, depth, PACKET,  
         ret = hid_interrupt_write(hid, 0x01, PACKET,  
SEND_PACKET_LEN, timeout);
         if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) {
             fprintf(stderr, "[usbhid] write failed with return code % 
d: %s\n", ret,
         printf("wrote %x %x\n", PACKET[0], PACKET[1]);
//        ret = hid_set_output_report(hid, path, depth, PACKET,  
         ret = hid_interrupt_write(hid, 0x01, PACKET,  
SEND_PACKET_LEN, timeout);
         if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) {
             fprintf(stderr, "[usbhid] write failed with return code % 
d: %s\n", ret,
         printf("wrote %x %x\n", PACKET[0], PACKET[1]);

And here is the info from USB Prober:

Full Speed device @ 3  
(0x1A200000): .............................................    
Composite device: "CUI IO v1.0"
     Device Descriptor
         Descriptor Version Number:   0x0200
         Device Class:   0   (Composite)
         Device Subclass:   0
         Device Protocol:   0
         Device MaxPacketSize:   32
         Device VendorID/ProductID:   0x0925/0x1299   (unknown vendor)
         Device Version Number:   0x0001
         Number of Configurations:   1
         Manufacturer String:   1 "Overtone"
         Product String:   2 "CUI IO v1.0"
         Serial Number String:   0 (none)
     Configuration Descriptor
         Length (and contents):   41
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 09 02 29 00 01 01 00 A0   
32 09 04 00 00 02 03 00
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 00 00 09 21 01 01 00 01   
22 56 00 07 05 81 03 20
             Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 00 05 07 05 01 03 20 00  05
         Number of Interfaces:   1
         Configuration Value:   1
         Attributes:   0xA0 (bus-powered, remote wakeup)
         MaxPower:   100 ma
         Interface #0 - HID
             Alternate Setting   0
             Number of Endpoints   2
             Interface Class:   3   (HID)
             Interface Subclass;   0
             Interface Protocol:   0
             HID Descriptor
                 Descriptor Version Number:   0x0101
                 Country Code:   0
                 Descriptor Count:   1
                 Descriptor 1
                     Type:   0x22  (Report Descriptor)
                     Length (and contents):   86
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 05 01 09 05 A1  
01 09 30  09 31 09 32 09 33 09 34
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 09 35 09 36 09  
37 09 40  09 41 09 42 09 43 09 44
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 09 45 15 00 26  
FF 03 75  10 95 0E 81 02 09 30 09
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 31 09 32 09 33  
09 34 09  35 09 36 09 37 15 00 26
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0040: FF 03 75 10 95  
08 91 02  09 05 15 00 26 FF 00 75
                         Raw Descriptor (hex)    0050: 08 95 02 B1 02 C0
                     Parsed Report Descriptor:
                           Usage Page    (Generic Desktop)
                           Usage (GamePad)
                               Collection (Application)
                                 Usage (X)
                                 Usage (Y)
                                 Usage (Z)
                                 Usage (Rx)
                                 Usage (Ry)
                                 Usage (Rz)
                                 Usage (Slider)
                                 Usage (Dial)
                                 Usage (Vx)
                                 Usage (Vy)
                                 Usage (Vz)
                                 Usage (Vbrx)
                                 Usage (Vbry)
                                 Usage (Vbrz)
                                 Logical Minimum.........    (0)
                                 Logical Maximum.........    (1023)
                                 Report Size.............    (16)
                                 Report Count............    (14)
                                 Input...................   (Data,  
Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null  
Position, Bitfield)
                                 Usage (X)
                                 Usage (Y)
                                 Usage (Z)
                                 Usage (Rx)
                                 Usage (Ry)
                                 Usage (Rz)
                                 Usage (Slider)
                                 Usage (Dial)
                                 Logical Minimum.........    (0)
                                 Logical Maximum.........    (1023)
                                 Report Size.............    (16)
                                 Report Count............    (8)
                                 Output..................   (Data,  
Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null  
Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield)
                                 Usage (GamePad)
                                 Logical Minimum.........    (0)
                                 Logical Maximum.........    (255)
                                 Report Size.............    (8)
                                 Report Count............    (2)
                                 Feature.................   (Data,  
Variable, Absolute, No Wrap, Linear, Preferred State, No Null  
Position, Nonvolatile, Bitfield)
                               End Collection
             Endpoint 0x81 - Interrupt Input
                 Address:   0x81  (IN)
                 Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt no synchronization  
data endpoint)
                 Max Packet Size:   32
                 Polling Interval:   5 ms
             Endpoint 0x01 - Interrupt Output
                 Address:   0x01  (OUT)
                 Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt no synchronization  
data endpoint)
                 Max Packet Size:   32
                 Polling Interval:   5 ms

On May 2, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> Hey,
> I am trying to get my code to output properly and having trouble.   
> I was hoping someone could show me some simple example code just to  
> send an output report.  So here are the paths reported from libhid:
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010030; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010031; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010032; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010033; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010034; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010035; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010036; type: 0x90
>   path: 0x00010005.0x00010037; type: 0x90
> Apple USB Prober says that they each have a Report Size of 16 and  
> there is a report count of 8.  Here's the code I tried, it doesn't  
> give errors, it just doesn't seem to work:
> int path[] = {0x00010005, 0x00010030};
> unsigned int const depth = 2;  // number of 32bit chunks in the path
> unsigned char const SEND_PACKET_LEN = 2; // number of bytes in packet
> char const PACKET[] = { 0x00, 0x00 }; // the data to write
> //char const PACKET[] = { 0xff, 0xff }; // the data to write
> if ( !hid_is_opened(x->x_hidinterface) )
> {
> 	printf("[usbhid] device not open, can't set data");
> 	return;
> }
> x->x_hid_return = hid_set_output_report(x->x_hidinterface,
> 					path, depth, PACKET,
> .hc
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ------
> You can't steal a gift. Bird gave the world his music, and if you  
> can hear it, you can have it. - Dizzy Gillespie


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