[libhid-discuss] coldplug hid_interrupt_read problems

Allen Curtis ajcurtis84 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 21:52:57 UTC 2008


I am trying to interface with a HID USB device, on the other side of a  
hub. I mention the hub because this problem did not exist or was not  
as pronounced in prior testing without a hub.

After power-on, I can not communicate with the device. If I hotplug  
the device and restart the program it works.

I tried inserting the code as part of the initialization:
     usb_clear_halt(hid->dev_handle,0x81); //if endpoint is 0x81

But it did not fix the problem. (I don't know how to get the endpoint  
number either)

Is there a way to force an equivalent of a hotplug? Get the whole bus  
to enumerate itself?

Any help would be appreciated.



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