[libhid-discuss] Still can't interrupt_read() properly

Marian Aldenhoevel marian.aldenhoevel at marian-aldenhoevel.de
Fri Sep 5 14:59:41 UTC 2008


I hammered it to work!

By just repeating the hid_interrupt_read() I can continue through the cycle of 
HID_RET_FAIL_INT_READ and HID_RET_TIMEOUT and come out the other side with a 
HID_SUCCESS and the correct data.

I have no idea why this works, nor do I deem it an elegant solution, but it 
works for me in my current application.

I have thoroughly come to hate the device, though. I have since learned that 
it is available with a simple serial interface as well and the vendor choose 
to USBize it as a HID with lots of crud instead of just adding a 
serial-USB-Converter and keeping the API. Ah, well, what's wrong with days and 
days of experimenting...

Ciao, MM

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