[libhid-discuss] Windows support?

comicinker comicinker at gmx.de
Sun Sep 7 12:07:33 UTC 2008

Peter, thanks for the translations.

Sorry for the German version, I thought with this amount of errors,
there must be a small problem in the very beginning and is easy to

I attached now the MSVC errors in almost complete English. I also
attached the config.h which I am using now, with some explanations

As I said, I just added some header files to the paths, which I
arbitrarily copied from different systems and programs (see comments in
config.h), however, some need also the libraries for the OS, so it is
basically nonsense what I did. That's why I need some help, as I don't
know how to provide all the needed declarations and definitions.

Thanks in advance,


Am Samstag, den 06.09.2008, 09:54 -0400 schrieb Charles Lepple:
> On Sep 6, 2008, at 3:53 AM, comicinker wrote:
> > How did you manage to compile libhid?
> >
> > I'm using Visual Studio 2005. I receive 240 Errors. I included a
> > config.h from Linux, but that doesn't make sense at all. See the
> > attached files.
> I don't have a Windows machine to test this with, but you may get a  
> little bit more help from others on the list if you temporarily set  
> the system language to English, then post that build log. Please  
> compress the log as well (gzip or pkzip).
> It looks like the ERROR() definition is conflicting with something in  
> wingdi.h:
> c:\dokumente und einstellungen\simeon\eigene dateien\projects\libhid 
> \libhid\include\debug.h(21) : warning C4005: 'ERROR': Makro- 
> Neudefinition
>          c:\programme\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\platformsdk\include 
> \wingdi.h(98): Siehe vorherige Definition von 'ERROR'
> I'm not sure which would take longer for me, installing Windows then  
> downloading all of Visual Studio Express and the platform SDK, or  
> learning enough German to decipher that log file :-)

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