[libhid-discuss] Performance of libhid

shivaprasad javali jbsp72 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 05:50:24 UTC 2009

     I am developing a driver for my Application using libhid. The
application uses custom USB devices. The application is already up and
running on Windows and Mac and now I am porting the application for Linux. I
was able to get the application and the driver up and running but the
response of the driver seemed really slow.

     I did a small test of Opening the handles to my USB device , reading
from them and closing the handles 1000 times in a loop to see how long it
takes. The test took around 36-37 seconds on Linux where as it took around
12-13 seconds on the Mac. On the mac I am using the IOKit framework that mac
provides for the driver. As far as I can tell I am using the libhid
correctly and making no unnecessary calls which would slow down the driver.

     I wanted to know whether this is expected. Is libhid slow compared to
IOKit framework? Is there anyway I can improve the performance of the

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