[libhid-discuss] Adesso Bar-code scanner

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Fri Jan 9 13:11:35 UTC 2009

On Jan 8, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Ian Thompson wrote:

> The reader has a vendor_id = 0x0000 and a product_id = 0x0001.
> When running  "test_libhid.py" I get a number of errors.
> It appears that the vendor_id = 0x0000 is used as a MATCH_ANY  
> vendor_id in the library, which is a problem when using
> this device. Apparently there are a growing number of devices that  
> have a vendor_id = 0x0000. Should the MATCH_ANY
> define be changed to some other value, say 0xFFFF?

The original intention was to have a match value and a mask, much  
like a subnet mask in a routing table. This would have made it  
possible to match 0x0000.

It's definitely on the list of things to change in a future version  
of the library.

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