[libhid-discuss] HID_Interrupt_write reports OK, but no action on device..

Neil Sutton sutton.nm at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 1 16:47:00 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Charles Lepple <clepple at ghz.cc> wrote:

> I would assume that if the argument to Convert.ToByte() is an integer less
> than 255, then the C equivalent would be that same integer. I think you
> would only use 0x35 if you were passing a string "5" to Convert.ToByte().
> Someone who actually knows .NET can feel free to correct me, though.

I think you're right Charles, I went back to the working example from LVR
and stepped through everything. If I send Hex 0x05 to the device using an
Output report it works under windows.. so my data needs to be a single byte
of 0x05.
Also if I echo back the result of Convert.ToByte(5) it is indeed 5..

Could you advise on how the output usage path is calculated from my lsusb
-vv output ? (http://pastebin.com/m48287552)
I am going to try and get things working using output reports instead of
interrupt_write because I know this works under Windows, but even after
reading the example text I don't know how to calculate the PATH_IN /
PATH_OUT values.
I think if I can get those right then my problems will be solved.

Many Thanks
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