[libhid-discuss] Unable to connect to USB device at the second run.

Kustaa Nyholm feedback2 at sparetimelabs.com
Fri Jan 22 09:51:54 UTC 2010

Johan Uiterwijk Winkel wrote:
> Hello All.
> currently we are trying to use an HD usb device. The problem is the 
> following:
> - The first time the (attached) slightly changed version of 
> test_libhid.c is run, there is no problem, the device is connecting and 
> the communication is possible. When the test programm is run for the 
> second time most of the time we are unable to connect to the device. The 
> only solution is unplugging / plugging the device.
> Resetting the USB device using libusb also does not solve the problem.
> Debug output of libhid and libusb does not give me any clue what is wrong.
> When pressing control-c during the execution of the program we are able 
> to restart the programm without any problem multiple times.
> Does anyone have a clue why the program is behaving this way ? Currently 
> I am clueless.
> Kind regards,
> Johan Uiterwijk Winkel.
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don't know anything about this per se but you would get a better
response from libusb-devel list than from libhid list as I do not
think this can be a libhid problem. IIRC someone asked a about a similar
problem not long ago on that list, so searchin the archives might
be useful.

br Kusti

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