[libhid-discuss] help

Roberto Diaz robdiaz at ti.com
Thu Jun 17 23:22:22 UTC 2010



 I'm developing an application that would communicate with an HID device
either through interrupt or control transfers. So far, I have succeeded with
HID control transfer by using "libhid" any how I have a problems using both
the hid_interrupt_write( ) and hid_interrupt_read( ) functions. I'm using as
skeleton program the lshid.c example file that is provided by
libhid-0.2.16.tar.gz package, I'm simply changing the hid_set_output_report
function ( this function is correctly working for the same device) with the
hid_interrup_write( ) funtion; and this is the output messages that I get
when I'm using hid_interrup_write( ).



NOTICE: hid_force_open(): successfully opened USB device 001/005[0].


Sending Report...***.

  TRACE: hid_interrupt_write(): writing interrupt report to device
001/005[0] ...

WARNING: hid_interrupt_write(): failed to perform interrupt write to device
001/005[0]: error submitting URB: Device or resource busy

hid_set_output_report failed with return code 21

  TRACE: hid_close(): closing USB device 001/005[0]...

  TRACE: hid_close(): closing handle of USB device 001/005[0]...

 NOTICE: hid_close(): successfully closed USB device 001/005[0].

  TRACE: hid_reset_parser(): resetting the HID parser for USB device

  TRACE: hid_close(): freeing memory allocated for HID parser...

  TRACE: hid_close(): resetting HIDInterface...

  ERROR: hid_reset_HIDInterface(): ************NULL HIDInterface reseted.

 NOTICE: hid_cleanup(): successfully deinitialised HID library.




This is the source code that I'm using


/* data init */

  for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++)

      hid_id[i] = NULL;


  ret = hid_init();


  hid = hid_new_HIDInterface();

  matcher.vendor_id = HID_ID_MATCH_ANY;

  matcher.product_id = HID_ID_MATCH_ANY;

  matcher.matcher_fn = device_iterator;


  /* open recursively all HID devices found */

  while ( (ret = hid_force_open(hid, 0, &matcher, 2)) !=




        //hid_write_identification(stdout, hid);


        /* Only dump HID tree if asked */

        /* hid_dump_tree(stdout, hid); */


        char packet2[4] = { 0x07, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0};

        unsigned int timeout = 1000; // milliseconds


  ret = hid_interrupt_write(hid, 0x01,  packet2, 9, timeout);






  ret = hid_cleanup();


  return 0;


I hope that someone can help me to understand what is happening or what I'm
doing wrong.


P.S. The device I'm using supports both HID interrupt and control transfers
and I have confirm that this specific device works whitout problems trought
a similar windows application.


Thanks in advance for your comments



















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