[libhid-discuss] Changes needed to compile

nghia vuong nghia.vuong at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 18:51:56 UTC 2010

I had to make the following changes to get your library to compile under
Dev-C++.  I'm not sure how useful these changes are to you.  They're mainly
changes I had to make so that my own compiler would work.

Just to summarize:
-Bool is not recognized --> fixed declaration
-ulong, uchar, ushort is not recognized --> fixed declaration
-hid_opening.c --> failure to detect certain devices because the
configuration could not be set --> added a line that sets the configuration
to one that matches other devices (See libUSB for more info

I had to add a bunch of TRACE and NOTICE to help me debug the USB device,
but overall I made very few meaningful changes.  Also, you should know that
your code doesn't compile well under Visual Studio.  It seems to have some
issues with stricter C standards.  I don't have the time to contribute
towards making it useful for Visual Studio at the moment.  I just thought
you should know.
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