[libhid-discuss] Question about hid_force_open failed

Shen Chuan shen at minutekey.com
Wed Aug 20 15:07:44 UTC 2014


Just installed libhid in the opensuse platform and running a c program to
communicate with the card reader

i | libhidapi-devel   | Development libraries and header files for hidapi
                | package
i | libhidapi-hidraw0 | Simple library for communicating with USB and
Bluetooth HID devices | package
i | libhidapi-libusb0 | Simple library for communicating with USB and
Bluetooth HID devices | package

But when I run it, it always give me 13 error code. Not sure what it means,
is there somewhere I can debug it?

hid_force_open failed with return code 13

Thank you for your help


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