[libhid-discuss] OS X build

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Tue Apr 21 02:56:30 UTC 2015

On Jan 14, 2015, at 6:18 AM, Edgar Fuß <ef at math.uni-bonn.de> wrote:

> Thanks for your quick reply.
>> To be honest, it should be using the output of `libusb-config --libs` 
>> instead (which implicitly addresses both of those points).
> Yes, probably.
>> But once you do that, you are still fighting the OS X USB HID drivers. [...]
>> You may want to check out the HIDAPI project instead [...]
> Well, to be honest, I just wanted avrdude from pkgsrc to build. It has a dependency on libhid which I needed to satisfy somehow. My AVR programmer is connected via a USB-RS232 dongle, not as a HID device, so I in fact don't really care whether the libhid I built actually works.

Hi Edgar,

I was just looking at the avrdude source code, and it seems like their check for libhid is only for the Windows hid.lib (with "HidD_" prefix on the symbols):


You may want to check and see if your version is actually linking against the other libhid (with "hid_" symbol prefixes), and if not, let the pkgsrc people know.

- Charles

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