[libhid-discuss] Trying to repair a program using libhid to configure an Ultimarc Joystick

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Wed Mar 25 11:42:32 UTC 2015

On Mar 25, 2015, at 1:54 AM, Andrew Silverman <andrewsi at microsoft.com> wrote:

> Now I just need to figure out how to match that USB traffic from the Linux app.  Given what I see here, it still seems like sending control messages (albeit perhaps shorter ones, i.e. 4 bytes at a time rather than 32?) might be the right way to go.

There is a maximum packet size in the lsusb output, but I wouldn't expect an EPIPE error if that did not match. Still something to try, though - EP0 is a little different than the other endpoints.

- Charles Lepple

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