Release of a tarball

Sylvain Bougerel sylvain.bougerel.devel at
Sun Nov 4 16:56:56 UTC 2007


I am about the release a tarball of the current version of the library.

Before doing that I'd like to give a version number to the library. I
though using the usual "major.minor.revision" notation would be
alright with the following numbers:
- major = 0, that would mean it's still a beta version
- minor = ?, I remember that a saw a version number in one of my
conversation with Martin, but I can't find it anymore.
- revision = ?, like above, we just follow any previously existing
revision number.

The idea is to tag the tree for a certain version, so ppl can clone
the rep for a particular version. The tarball would include the
version number too.

Anyone knows which version number was used previously? Or is there any
strong feeling against this?

- Sylvain

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