Performance of find methods, comparison with linear search

Sylvain Bougerel sylvain.bougerel.devel at
Sun Nov 11 14:08:42 UTC 2007

On Nov 7, 2007 10:25 AM, V.P. Dinh <dinh at> wrote:
> I'm following this discussion for a while now cause I'm in the
> decision process of whether to use the library for a new project. I'm
> having a two dimensional space only (points on the ground) and need to
> find points within a certain range, but this for like 80.000 points
> and in real time. Wondering whether the library is fast enough for
> that? (I'm working on an occupancy grid by the way, for people from
> the robotics field).

Hi Dinh,

Actually, I stepped up to support the library exactly for a similar
use case - fusing data from different radars over a certain area,
being able to track about 100.000 points - That's what I am doing at

However, I am not using the library yet, I have other preoccupations
at the moment: I am more focused onto the interface. But I plan to use
it in the future into our product (within the next 3 month) so I will
need to make it production ready. Now if you are on a tight schedule
and cannot afford to be waiting that long, you might wanna try other

I am sorry for the late reply, but it's been a very very busy week for me.


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