Finding all points within distance r of a given point

Olumide 50295 at
Thu Dec 11 03:34:49 UTC 2008


I'm new to k-d trees and in fact libkdtree. I would to find all points 
within distance r of a given point. I've downloaded the source and I'm 
trying to compile the sample program test_kdtree.cpp on Visual Studio 
.NET 2003. but I'm getting the error message:

c:\Downloads\src\libkdtree\kdtree++\kdtree.hpp(125) : error C2512: 
'std::pointer_to_binary_function<_Arg1,_Arg2,_Result>::__ctor' : no 
appropriate default constructor available

I've added the path to the top level directory libkdtree in my list of 
include directories. Can anyone please tell me how to solve this problem?


- Olumide

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