Alternatives to libkdtree?

Eric Fowler eric.fowler at
Thu May 1 05:43:37 UTC 2008

Well I am past the compilation hassles and have some test code running. I
have noticed that while lookups are very fast, calling optimise() seems to
take a long time (~10 seconds on a tree of 500,000 items). Since my
application will involve a lot of 'churn' of items being added or deleted,
this is a concern. Given that I want to find points in 2-space as fast as
possible, and the efficient insertion and removal of points is an issue,
what are my alternatives as far as:
- Perhaps using libkdtree in a more efficient manner, or
- Using another data structure for this problem, or
- Fixing the erase() code so it does not generate this problem, or
- Fixing optimise() to run faster

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