AW: libkdtree experiences and questions

Sam Hayne Sam.Hayne at
Tue Nov 11 13:50:39 UTC 2008

Replied accidently directly to Paul... 2nd try. :)

Paul Harris wrote:

> Hi Sam,

> great email, lots of detail

Thx. If it helps you in any way I'm glad.
(Hope those issues weren't all caused by VS or my edits. :D )

> 3.1)
> > I always ended up with runtime errors using erase().  :(

> Could you please boil it down to a simple test case?  (eg look at
test_kdtree.cpp, just make up a new .cpp file that builds a tree and then >
somehow crashes or asserts).

Puhh... wasn't that easy to create an simple example (as in my case I got
the points out of a bitmap).
But here a bit lengthy one - it crashes deterministically each time.

In my case erase() failed to delete point (41, 189)... deleting some other
point instead.
Eventually resulting in this runtime error:


struct duplet {
	typedef int value_type;

	inline value_type operator[](size_t const N) const { return d[N]; }
	inline bool operator==(duplet const& other) const 
		return this->d[0] == other.d[0] && this->d[1] == other.d[1];

	inline bool operator!=(duplet const& other) const
		return this->d[0] != other.d[0] || this->d[1] != other.d[1];


	value_type d[2];
	//typedef boost::shared_ptr<duplet> ptr; };

typedef KDTree::KDTree<2, duplet,
std::pointer_to_binary_function<duplet,int,double> > duplet_tree_type;

inline double return_dup( duplet d, int k ) { return d[k]; }


	duplet_tree_type dupl_tree_test(std::ptr_fun(return_dup));
	std::vector<duplet> vDuplets;

	int randy1 = 0;
	int randy2 = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<700; i++)
		//create coordinate for new duplet
		//randy1 = rand() % 255;
		//randy2 = rand() % 255;

		//new duplet
		duplet super_dupre = { {randy1, randy2} };

		//check if duplet with same coordinate already in
vector/tree. If not: insert in vector and tree
		duplet_tree_type::iterator pItr =
		if (*pItr!=super_dupre) 

	int elements;

	while (vDuplets.size()>0) //delete all duplets from tree which are
in the vector
		elements = vDuplets.size();

		duplet element_to_erase = vDuplets.back();

		dupl_tree_test.erase(element_to_erase); //erase() : will
probably erase wrong element sooner or later
//erase_exact(): works
		//debug stuff:
		duplet_tree_type::iterator pItr =
		duplet nearest_to_element = *pItr;
		if (nearest_to_element==element_to_erase)		
			// element still in tree... wrong element must have
been erased
			int u = 7; //set breakpoint here

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