Support for directional data

Sylvain Bougerel sylvain.bougerel.devel at
Thu Oct 30 08:10:25 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Renaud Detry <renaudjdetry at> wrote:
> Hi -
>>> K-d trees seem very
>>> dependant on the Euclidean metric;
>> kd-tree are not linked to euclidean distances in anyway. In fact they
>> have nothing to do with it.
> Ok, I was definitely wrong there :-)
> I'm still curious about this issue though. I'll take your advice with
> the CGAL doc and other documentation. One quick question though:
>> So I would like to propose that we include a distance functor as a
>> parameter of the nearest neighbor calculation :-D
> What do you think would be the requirements on that metric to allow
> nearest neighbor queries to take advantage of the underlying Kd-tree
> organization of the data?
> Renaud.

Sorry I was in holiday, hence the delay.

Well, it's part of the problem. To take adventage of the kd-tree
underlaying structure the metric function should operate directly of
the element of the value and not the value itself.

The rational behind this is: sometime the kd-tree will calculate the
distance between point a and b, sometime it will calculate the
distance between point a and projection of point b on a particular
axis. So the nearest neighbor search would call the function with the
element of the value already "unpacked".

I dunno if I was clear, does it even reply to your question?

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