Practical additions to kdtree library

Sylvain Bougerel sylvain.bougerel.devel at
Tue Sep 30 12:36:00 UTC 2008

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Willi Richert <w.richert at> wrote:
> Hi,
> being able to specify the dimensionality at run-time would be also
> desireable from the Python wrapper point of view. I am using the kdtree lib
> using my own SWIG generated Python wrappers. As such I have to created at
> the moment for every use case (dimensionality and data type) a special swig
> stub by hand. I really would appreciate if kdtree had some runtime parameter
> for that so that I could rewrite the kdetree.i in a more generic way.

Ouch! This sound like something overkill. What if one day we have more
template parameters? Is there a way this can be done otherwise? Or let
the user decide at the last moment what object it wants to put in the

I've seen that recently Boost.Python gained a lot of momentum? Is
there a way it would be done better with Boost.Python (perso, I
haven't looked at any of the libraries...)

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