[Likwid-commit] [likwid] 03/09: source rebuild to exclude non DFSG files
Christoph Martin
chrism at debian.org
Fri Sep 4 08:15:09 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
chrism pushed a commit to branch master
in repository likwid.
commit 0561ee02f88afbfcc7a2441242179dd5474e29f5
Author: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
Date: Thu Sep 3 10:22:01 2015 +0200
source rebuild to exclude non DFSG files
debian/changelog | 6 +
debian/patches/08-no-stream.patch | 427 --------------------------------------
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b73dc1e..50c5120 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+likwid (3.1.3+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * source repack to remove non DFSG files
+ -- Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de> Wed, 02 Sep 2015 17:49:02 +0200
likwid (3.1.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* include bstrlib license documentation
diff --git a/debian/patches/08-no-stream.patch b/debian/patches/08-no-stream.patch
index 70b7c1f..860dc24 100644
--- a/debian/patches/08-no-stream.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/08-no-stream.patch
@@ -36,430 +36,3 @@ diff -Nur likwid-3.1.3.orig/test/Makefile likwid-3.1.3/test/Makefile
+ rm -f testmarker testmarkerF90
-diff -Nur likwid-3.1.3.orig/test/stream.c likwid-3.1.3/test/stream.c
---- likwid-3.1.3.orig/test/stream.c 2015-05-05 16:29:22.008137000 +0200
-+++ likwid-3.1.3/test/stream.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
--/* Program: Stream */
--/* Revision: $Id: stream.c,v 5.8 2007/02/19 23:57:39 mccalpin Exp mccalpin $ */
--/* Original code developed by John D. McCalpin */
--/* Programmers: John D. McCalpin */
--/* Joe R. Zagar */
--/* */
--/* This program measures memory transfer rates in MB/s for simple */
--/* computational kernels coded in C. */
--/* Copyright 1991-2005: John D. McCalpin */
--/* License: */
--/* 1. You are free to use this program and/or to redistribute */
--/* this program. */
--/* 2. You are free to modify this program for your own use, */
--/* including commercial use, subject to the publication */
--/* restrictions in item 3. */
--/* 3. You are free to publish results obtained from running this */
--/* program, or from works that you derive from this program, */
--/* with the following limitations: */
--/* 3a. In order to be referred to as "STREAM benchmark results", */
--/* published results must be in conformance to the STREAM */
--/* Run Rules, (briefly reviewed below) published at */
--/* http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ref.html */
--/* and incorporated herein by reference. */
--/* As the copyright holder, John McCalpin retains the */
--/* right to determine conformity with the Run Rules. */
--/* 3b. Results based on modified source code or on runs not in */
--/* accordance with the STREAM Run Rules must be clearly */
--/* labelled whenever they are published. Examples of */
--/* proper labelling include: */
--/* "tuned STREAM benchmark results" */
--/* "based on a variant of the STREAM benchmark code" */
--/* Other comparable, clear and reasonable labelling is */
--/* acceptable. */
--/* 3c. Submission of results to the STREAM benchmark web site */
--/* is encouraged, but not required. */
--/* 4. Use of this program or creation of derived works based on this */
--/* program constitutes acceptance of these licensing restrictions. */
--/* 5. Absolutely no warranty is expressed or implied. */
--#define _GNU_SOURCE
--#include <stdlib.h>
--# include <stdio.h>
--# include <math.h>
--# include <float.h>
--# include <omp.h>
--# include <limits.h>
--# include <sys/time.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>
--#include <sys/syscall.h>
--#include <unistd.h>
--#include <sched.h>
--#include <time.h>
--#include <pthread.h>
-- *
-- * 1) Stream requires a good bit of memory to run. Adjust the
-- * value of 'N' (below) to give a 'timing calibration' of
-- * at least 20 clock-ticks. This will provide rate estimates
-- * that should be good to about 5% precision.
-- */
--# define N 60000000
--# define NTIMES 10
--# define OFFSET 0
-- * 3) Compile the code with full optimization. Many compilers
-- * generate unreasonably bad code before the optimizer tightens
-- * things up. If the results are unreasonably good, on the
-- * other hand, the optimizer might be too smart for me!
-- *
-- * Try compiling with:
-- * cc -O stream_omp.c -o stream_omp
-- *
-- * This is known to work on Cray, SGI, IBM, and Sun machines.
-- *
-- *
-- * 4) Mail the results to mccalpin at cs.virginia.edu
-- * Be sure to include:
-- * a) computer hardware model number and software revision
-- * b) the compiler flags
-- * c) all of the output from the test case.
-- * Thanks!
-- *
-- */
--#define gettid() syscall(SYS_gettid)
--#include <likwid.h>
--# define HLINE "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
--# ifndef MIN
--# define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
--# endif
--# ifndef MAX
--# define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
--# endif
--static double a[N+OFFSET],
-- b[N+OFFSET],
-- c[N+OFFSET];
--static double avgtime[4] = {0}, maxtime[4] = {0},
-- mintime[4] = {FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX};
--static char *label[4] = {"Copy: ", "Scale: ",
-- "Add: ", "Triad: "};
--static double bytes[4] = {
-- 2 * sizeof(double) * N,
-- 2 * sizeof(double) * N,
-- 3 * sizeof(double) * N,
-- 3 * sizeof(double) * N
-- };
--static int
--getProcessorID(cpu_set_t* cpu_set)
-- int processorId;
-- for (processorId=0;processorId<128;processorId++)
-- {
-- if (CPU_ISSET(processorId,cpu_set))
-- {
-- break;
-- }
-- }
-- return processorId;
--int threadGetProcessorId()
-- cpu_set_t cpu_set;
-- CPU_ZERO(&cpu_set);
-- sched_getaffinity(gettid(),sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpu_set);
-- return getProcessorID(&cpu_set);
--extern double mysecond();
--extern void checkSTREAMresults();
--#ifdef _OPENMP
--extern int omp_get_num_threads();
-- {
-- int quantum, checktick();
-- int BytesPerWord;
-- register int j, k;
-- double scalar, t, times[4][NTIMES];
-- /* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing --- */
-- printf(HLINE);
-- printf("STREAM version $Revision: 5.8 $\n");
-- printf(HLINE);
-- BytesPerWord = sizeof(double);
-- printf("This system uses %d bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word.\n",
-- BytesPerWord);
-- printf(HLINE);
-- printf("Array size = %d, Offset = %d\n" , N, OFFSET);
-- printf("Total memory required = %.1f MB.\n",
-- (3.0 * BytesPerWord) * ( (double) N / 1048576.0));
-- printf("Each test is run %d times, but only\n", NTIMES);
-- printf("the *best* time for each is used.\n");
-- printf("Using likwid\n");
--#ifdef _OPENMP
-- printf(HLINE);
--#pragma omp parallel
-- {
--#pragma omp master
-- {
-- k = omp_get_num_threads();
-- printf ("Number of Threads requested = %i\n",k);
-- }
-- printf ("Thread %d running on processor %d ....\n",omp_get_thread_num(),threadGetProcessorId());
-- }
-- /* Get initial value for system clock. */
--//#pragma omp parallel for
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
-- a[j] = 1.0;
-- b[j] = 2.0;
-- c[j] = 0.0;
-- }
-- printf(HLINE);
-- if ( (quantum = checktick()) >= 1)
-- printf("Your clock granularity/precision appears to be "
-- "%d microseconds.\n", quantum);
-- else {
-- printf("Your clock granularity appears to be "
-- "less than one microsecond.\n");
-- quantum = 1;
-- }
-- t = mysecond();
--#pragma omp parallel for
-- for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
-- a[j] = 2.0E0 * a[j];
-- t = 1.0E6 * (mysecond() - t);
-- printf("Each test below will take on the order"
-- " of %d microseconds.\n", (int) t );
-- printf(" (= %d clock ticks)\n", (int) (t/quantum) );
-- printf("Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that\n");
-- printf("you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.\n");
-- printf(HLINE);
-- printf("WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.\n");
-- printf("For best results, please be sure you know the\n");
-- printf("precision of your system timer.\n");
-- printf(HLINE);
-- /* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times --- */
-- scalar = 3.0;
-- for (k=0; k<NTIMES; k++)
-- {
-- times[0][k] = mysecond();
--#pragma omp parallel
-- {
--#pragma omp for
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++)
-- c[j] = a[j];
-- }
-- times[0][k] = mysecond() - times[0][k];
-- times[1][k] = mysecond();
--#pragma omp parallel
-- {
--#pragma omp for
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++)
-- b[j] = scalar*c[j];
-- }
-- times[1][k] = mysecond() - times[1][k];
-- times[2][k] = mysecond();
--#pragma omp parallel
-- {
--#pragma omp for
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++)
-- c[j] = a[j]+b[j];
-- }
-- times[2][k] = mysecond() - times[2][k];
-- times[3][k] = mysecond();
--#pragma omp parallel
-- {
--#pragma omp for
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++)
-- a[j] = b[j]+scalar*c[j];
-- }
-- times[3][k] = mysecond() - times[3][k];
-- }
-- /* --- SUMMARY --- */
-- for (k=1; k<NTIMES; k++) /* note -- skip first iteration */
-- {
-- for (j=0; j<4; j++)
-- {
-- avgtime[j] = avgtime[j] + times[j][k];
-- mintime[j] = MIN(mintime[j], times[j][k]);
-- maxtime[j] = MAX(maxtime[j], times[j][k]);
-- }
-- }
-- printf("Function Rate (MB/s) Avg time Min time Max time\n");
-- for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
-- avgtime[j] = avgtime[j]/(double)(NTIMES-1);
-- printf("%s%11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f\n", label[j],
-- 1.0E-06 * bytes[j]/mintime[j],
-- avgtime[j],
-- mintime[j],
-- maxtime[j]);
-- }
-- printf(HLINE);
-- /* --- Check Results --- */
-- checkSTREAMresults();
-- printf(HLINE);
-- return 0;
--# define M 20
-- {
-- int i, minDelta, Delta;
-- double t1, t2, timesfound[M];
--/* Collect a sequence of M unique time values from the system. */
-- for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
-- t1 = mysecond();
-- while( ((t2=mysecond()) - t1) < 1.0E-6 )
-- ;
-- timesfound[i] = t1 = t2;
-- }
-- * Determine the minimum difference between these M values.
-- * This result will be our estimate (in microseconds) for the
-- * clock granularity.
-- */
-- minDelta = 1000000;
-- for (i = 1; i < M; i++) {
-- Delta = (int)( 1.0E6 * (timesfound[i]-timesfound[i-1]));
-- minDelta = MIN(minDelta, MAX(Delta,0));
-- }
-- return(minDelta);
-- }
--/* A gettimeofday routine to give access to the wall
-- clock timer on most UNIX-like systems. */
--#include <sys/time.h>
--double mysecond()
-- struct timeval tp;
-- struct timezone tzp;
-- int i;
-- i = gettimeofday(&tp,&tzp);
-- return ( (double) tp.tv_sec + (double) tp.tv_usec * 1.e-6 );
--void checkSTREAMresults ()
-- double aj,bj,cj,scalar;
-- double asum,bsum,csum;
-- double epsilon;
-- int j,k;
-- /* reproduce initialization */
-- aj = 1.0;
-- bj = 2.0;
-- cj = 0.0;
-- /* a[] is modified during timing check */
-- aj = 2.0E0 * aj;
-- /* now execute timing loop */
-- scalar = 3.0;
-- for (k=0; k<NTIMES; k++)
-- {
-- cj = aj;
-- bj = scalar*cj;
-- cj = aj+bj;
-- aj = bj+scalar*cj;
-- }
-- aj = aj * (double) (N);
-- bj = bj * (double) (N);
-- cj = cj * (double) (N);
-- asum = 0.0;
-- bsum = 0.0;
-- csum = 0.0;
-- for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
-- asum += a[j];
-- bsum += b[j];
-- csum += c[j];
-- }
--#ifndef abs
--#define abs(a) ((a) >= 0 ? (a) : -(a))
-- epsilon = 1.e-8;
-- if (abs(aj-asum)/asum > epsilon) {
-- printf ("Failed Validation on array a[]\n");
-- printf (" Expected : %f \n",aj);
-- printf (" Observed : %f \n",asum);
-- }
-- else if (abs(bj-bsum)/bsum > epsilon) {
-- printf ("Failed Validation on array b[]\n");
-- printf (" Expected : %f \n",bj);
-- printf (" Observed : %f \n",bsum);
-- }
-- else if (abs(cj-csum)/csum > epsilon) {
-- printf ("Failed Validation on array c[]\n");
-- printf (" Expected : %f \n",cj);
-- printf (" Observed : %f \n",csum);
-- }
-- else {
-- printf ("Solution Validates\n");
-- }
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