[Likwid-commit] [likwid] 09/09: fix watch and copyright file

Christoph Martin chrism at debian.org
Fri Sep 4 08:15:11 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

chrism pushed a commit to branch master
in repository likwid.

commit 7b441ce6cb9cb7964a04cb4ee9e2fe5671a89200
Author: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
Date:   Thu Sep 3 16:31:18 2015 +0200

    fix watch and copyright file
 debian/copyright | 35 ++---------------------------------
 debian/watch     |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index a8a4598..c4b2fcc 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -60,43 +60,12 @@ License: GPL-1+ or Artistic
 Files: perl/xmgrace.pm
 Copyright: 2011, Jan Treibig <jan.treibig at googlemail.com>
 License: GPL-2+
+ The license can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.
 Files: test/accuracy/statistics.py
 Copyright: 2013, Steven D'Aprano <steve+python at pearwood.info>
 License: Apache-2.0
-Files: test/stream.c
-Copyright: 1991-2005, John D. McCalpin <john at mccalpin.com>
-License: Own
- License:
-  1. You are free to use this program and/or to redistribute
-     this program.
-  2. You are free to modify this program for your own use,
-     including commercial use, subject to the publication
-     restrictions in item 3.
-  3. You are free to publish results obtained from running this
-     program, or from works that you derive from this program,
-     with the following limitations:
-     3a. In order to be referred to as "STREAM benchmark results",
-         published results must be in conformance to the STREAM
-         Run Rules, (briefly reviewed below) published at
-         http://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ref.html
-         and incorporated herein by reference.
-         As the copyright holder, John McCalpin retains the
-         right to determine conformity with the Run Rules.
-     3b. Results based on modified source code or on runs not in
-         accordance with the STREAM Run Rules must be clearly
-         labelled whenever they are published.  Examples of
-         proper labelling include:
-         "tuned STREAM benchmark results"
-         "based on a variant of the STREAM benchmark code"
-         Other comparable, clear and reasonable labelling is
-         acceptable.
-     3c. Submission of results to the STREAM benchmark web site
-         is encouraged, but not required.
-  4. Use of this program or creation of derived works based on this
-     program constitutes acceptance of these licensing restrictions.
-  5. Absolutely no warranty is expressed or implied.
+ The license can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0.
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2014 Christoph Martin <christoph.martin at uni-mainz.de>
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
index 98b9910..0ee9ee2 100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-opts=repacksuffix=+dfsg1 http://ftp.fau.de/pub/likwid/likwid-(\d[\d.]*)\.tar\.gz
+opts=repacksuffix=+dfsg1,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg1\d*$// \
+  http://ftp.fau.de/pub/likwid/likwid-(\d[\d.]*)\.tar\.gz

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/likwid/likwid.git

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