[Mergebot-discuss] Consider using dgit instead of gbp

Sean Whitton spwhitton at spwhitton.name
Mon Jul 18 23:40:21 UTC 2016


Consider using dgit instead of gbp.  Since dgit is designed to abstract
from packaging repository workflows, you would be able to drop all three
of the things listed under "Assumptions" in your README.

Something like this:

1. existing code to extract patch from the BTS
2. dgit clone package
3. cd package
4. git am < bts.patch or your existing commit code
5. gbp dch
6. dgit sbuild

The user would, after verifying the package, do the following:

1. cd package
2. dgit push

The only problem with this is that your non-dgit packaging repo isn't
updated.  You could do something like `git push --all vcs-git` in that
case and maybe you could provide a helper.  In a lot of cases that would
depend on unreleased dgit functionality to handle patches-unapplied

(please keep me in the CC)

Sean Whitton
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