[minicom-Bugs][312626] Config file behaviour wrong

minicom-bugs at alioth.debian.org minicom-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 13 21:36:08 UTC 2010

Bugs item #312626, was changed at 2010-07-12 13:43 by Adam Lackorzynski
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Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Robert v. Knobloch (robertvonknobloch-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Config file behaviour wrong 
Category: None
Group: None
Resolution: None

Initial Comment:
Upgrading from 2.3 to 2.4 on Opensuse11.0 I find:
Prompts for minicom -s (OK minirc was in /etc - now wants to be in /usr/local/etc - although the man page still states /etc) but when invoked by root with -s still gives error of missing minrc.dfl, please invoke as root with -s (I copied the file across to get it working).
When calling as normal user with "minicom abcd", does not see the user's .minirc.* files and prompts again for root to create a global "minirc.abcd".
These bugs can be worked around by judicious copy of minrc files.

Bob von Knobloch


>Comment By: Adam Lackorzynski (al-guest)
Date: 2010-07-13 23:36

Could you please describe the problem in more detail? I cannot identify any issue when trying it out myself. Best would be if you could prefix your minicom call with strace -o /tmp/log and make the log file available. Thanks.


Comment By: Robert v. Knobloch (robertvonknobloch-guest)
Date: 2010-07-13 10:02

Accepted that compiling from source (I did) gives different paths from the Distro version but that doesn't explain why root could not create a first minirc, neither why users ~/.minirc* was ignored ??


Comment By: Adam Lackorzynski (al-guest)
Date: 2010-07-13 09:33

When minicom looks into the wrong config directory this sound like a packaging issue. configure should be called with --sysconfdir=/etc/minicom (or --sysconfdir=/etc to have everything in /etc directory but that's not recommended). /usr/local/etc is the default when nothing is chosen and minicom is installed to /usr/local.


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