Minicom 2.6

John Montgomery jmontgomery1 at
Mon Aug 26 02:02:43 UTC 2013

I was looking on the comm menu not thinking that this would be a 
terminal setting.  I set the delay and it works fine on SUSE SLES 10.  
Thank you very much.  I haven't found a way to save this terminal 
setting (delay) in the minicom.dfl file.   It would be nice if that were 

Great support.


On 8/25/2013 2:04 PM, Adam Lackorzynski wrote:
> On Sat Aug 24, 2013 at 13:41:12 -0700, John Montgomery wrote:
>> I am using minicom 2.6 from a SUSE SLES 10 PC to connect to a device
>> that has no flow control.  When I send data to this device I overflow
>> its buffer at 57600 bps. I was hoping that minicom would allow the
>> ability to set a delay between characters transmitted.  I was using
>> Tera Term for Windows and set the delay to be 1 millisecond between
>> characters and had no problem at 57600 bps.  Is there a menu where
>> this can be set on minicom?
> Yes, under "Terminal Settings" (Ctrl-A Z t) you'll find a "Character tx
> delay" menu entry.
> Adam

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