Fwd: Minicom suggestion/issue

Roman Haller roman.haller at aol.com
Wed Mar 31 21:27:19 BST 2021

-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Haller <roman.haller at aol.com>
To: jukkal at despammed.com <jukkal at despammed.com>
Cc: walker at netsonic.fi <walker at netsonic.fi>
Sent: Wed, Mar 31, 2021 10:07 pm
Subject: Minicom suggestion/issue

thank you very much for developing minicom. I have been using it in the past to access the serial console on a raspberry pi and liked it very much. 
Now I would like to use it to communicate with a different serial device. I am experiencing an annoying issue and thought I would at least let you know about it, maybe with a view to future revisions of minicom. 
The issue is that on RETURN (and ENTER), my linux/minicom configuration sends a carriage return (CR) where the device expects a linefeed (LF). If I use a different input than my standard input/keyboard, like a bash echo, it works fine. 
Apparently, I am not the only one facing this problem - see this thread here: https://superuser.com/questions/714078/wrong-newline-character-over-serial-port-cr-instead-of-lf
I tried to modify this behavior in the stty settings with "sudo stty icrnl", but it did not resolve the issue. There is a workaround where I use CTRL + J in minicom instead of return/enter, but I think it would be more convenient if there was an option in minicom for the desired behavior. 
Sorry if my description of the issue is not precise, I am a hobbyist and do not have a computers/software/linux background.
Thank you again for your work developing minicom.
Roman Haller
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