[Netconf-devel] [grahame@angrygoats.net: Re: interapplet]

Thomas Hood jdthood@aglu.demon.nl
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 15:03:06 +0200

----- Forwarded message from Grahame Bowland <grahame@angrygoats.net> -----

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To: Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl>
Subject: Re: interapplet
From: Grahame Bowland <grahame@angrygoats.net>
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On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 02:27:21PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
> Hi.  Someone just pointed out interapplet to me.  Looks interesting,
>     http://grahame.angrygoats.net/interapplet.shtml
> especially because you appear to have written an /e/n/i parser in
> Python.  Unfortunately I can't install it yet because I don't have one
> of its dependencies (python2.4-gamin, which isn't in Debian).
> Note that as of ifupdown 0.6.5 the ifstate file is at 
> /etc/network/run/ifstate.


You could possibly grab the source package for python2.4-gamin and
compile it on your Debian box :)

I'll make the program stat both locations and check which to use :)
Thanks for the heads-up.

The parser is pretty simple but seems to work.

> Please subscribe to the netconf-admin mailing list at alioth!:
>    http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/netconf-devel
> The purpose of netconf is currently just to provide a forum in which
> interested parties can discuss the development of tools for configuring
> networking in Debian.

Sure, will do!


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