netconf and upstart

martin f krafft madduck at
Wed May 9 14:15:34 UTC 2007

also sprach Marcus Better <marcus at> [2007.05.09.1548 +0200]:
> I would argue that for servers, ifupdown works just fine, so we could focus on 
> the newer use cases like laptops and mobility. In fact I cannot see a single 
> feature in your list on the Wiki that would be relevant to servers, which 
> usually have a static configuration.

Good argument. All I can think of right now is (a) VPN and (b)
policy routing and a lot of other features only present in iproute.

> > Debian will not make upstart the default any time soon,
> Perhaps not, but for me the question is: how well would it serve
> the purpose of netconf? I hope we don't end up reinventing upstart
> for non-technical reasons.


> I will see if I can hack up some interesting scripts with upstart.
> So far its capabilities are somewhat limited, but I agree it looks
> promising.

Nice. Thanks!

> (Oh, and I wish you a speedy recovery!)

It's going, not as fast as I wish, but still... thanks,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck at>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
it said "needs windoze 98 or better," so i installed linux.
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