[Neurodebian-users] Condor setup problems revisited

Antti Korvenoja antti.korvenoja at helsinki.fi
Fri Oct 12 08:32:45 UTC 2012


I have previously posted on the problems encountered in trying to use 
condor to parallelize FSL on my laptop. I gave up trying to figure out 
how to get it working. Now with the new release of FSL out and after 
severel condor updates I decided to look whether the problem would  have 
been solved. Unfortunately I get similar behavior as  before. With 
FSLPARALLEL=condor fsl-selftest feat no fsl processes are started, no 
error messages are thrown, no progress in the processing the test. With 
FSLPARALLEL=0 fsl-selftest feat will finish without errors.

I would very much like to use both cores for processing. Are there any 
suggestions for remedy?

Thank you in advance,


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