[Neurodebian-users] fsl installation in an other directorie

romain valabregue romain.valabregue at upmc.fr
Wed Sep 12 08:07:41 UTC 2012

Le 11/09/2012 15:55, Michael Hanke a écrit :
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 03:50:13PM +0200, romain valabregue wrote:
>> Hello
>> I would like to install fsl in a specific folder (that is shared
>> among all the station)
>> I is easier for me than to do the update in all specific station
>> Is there a way to do it  ?
> It could be made to work, but it is hardly worth the effort. FSL is
> linked against many shared libs, breakage would be likely if the
> machines aren't very similar.
> And if they are similar you could use a distributed shell setup (e.g.
> 'dsh') to install the package on all those machines with a single
> command in parallel.
> Michael
I made a script to do ssh command in a for loop in order to execute 
distant comand (similar to dsh)
with ssh-agent it is very convinient and  it work well with server, but 
for working station I have to make sure
they are all turn on (this mean a long travel in every desk ...)
So (for me) it is worth the effort to have one single installation

All the station are running debian squeeze with the same update so I 
hope they are enough similar
I copy the files from


(it would have been easier if all was in the same location like the 
centos fsl installation)

I then just had to change the fsl.sh to redefine

do you know if there are other fslscript that are path specific ... ?

It seems to work but I hope there will not be hidden side effect


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