[Neurodebian-users] Condor not receiving jobs

Papazoglou, Sebastian sebastian.papazoglou at charite.de
Wed Aug 26 14:35:16 UTC 2015

Hi Everybody,

When trying to run an FSL job in parallel,
e.g. like fslvbm_2_template it won't submit the job to the gridengine but
instead runs sequentially- although condor is running

My setting:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- FSL and Condor installed via neurodebian
- Uncommented and set FSLPARALLEL=condor in $FSLDIR/etc/fslconfig/fsl.sh

Not sure but I am a bit suspicious of the IPs in my system (my computer is behind a proxy)

/etc/hosts has the two adresses localhost mycomputername

and is different from the outside address displayed by hostname -I

In /etc/condor/config.d/00debconf CONDOR_HOST,  ALLOW_WRITE
and NETWORK_INTERFACE are all set to

..could this be part of the problem?

Any help is greatly appreciated


Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Papazoglou
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
NeuroCure - Charité University Medicine
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30 450 539 797
Fax: +49 (0)30 450 539 915

sebastian.papazoglou at charite.de
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