[Neurodebian-users] problem using randomise with MINT

Alessandro Bellini ale.notc at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 09:26:26 UTC 2015


I have a problem using randomise, that is I don't have all the output: I
have tfce_corrp_tstat, tstat, so tfce_p_tstat is missing.

I use this command

randomise -i all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz -o tbss -m
mean_FA_skeleton_mask.nii.gz -d glm.mat -t glm.con -n 5000 --T2

I have linux MINT (Debian) and FSL (wheezy)

I have tried to run the same command on MAC with the same data and I have
all the output.

Thanks a lot

All the best
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