[Neurodebian-users] Was: Installation issues PTB Octave

Mario Kleiner mario.kleiner.de at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 00:20:53 UTC 2016

On 03/04/2016 07:36 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Mar 2016, Neil Dundon wrote:
>>     Hi Yaroslav,
>>     Has there been any issues with PsychHID?
>>     I only have a USB Keyboard and Mouse plugged in, recognised in the
>>     terminal, but when I call d = PsychHID('devices') the usageName structures
>>     are all TBD... triedA sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev but it's made
>>     no difference... would you have any advice?
> Best to ask tireless Mario (CCed)

"TBD" = "To Be Done" ~ "Nah, probably never, as it is mostly pointless 
on this OS". Some of PsychHID's functions are not portable across 
operating systems as they were designed way too specific to old versions 
of OSX -- they can't even work as expected on current OSX.

If you use PsychHID directly you are either doing something special and 
low-level, or you followed my instructions for debugging something, or 
you are doing something wrong.

On Linux some information of PsychHID('Devices') is only available when 
running as "sudo" root (which is generally not recommended for normal 
use), or after application of suitable udev rules. This is a security 
measure of the system -- ditto for MS-Windows.

GetKeyboardIndices/GetKeypadIndicies/GetMouseIndices are the functions 
you want to use to select specific mice/keyboards/etc. on all operating 


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